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Skerk, Ograde, 2021

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Zesty, Aromatic, Savoury

Friuli / Skin Contact, Orange / Vitovska, Malvasia, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio / Organic






Vitovska/Malvasia/Sauvignon Blanc/Pinot Grigio

Wine Type

Skin Contact/Orange




Venezia Giulia IGT, Friuli








Typical blend of grapes from the region of Carso which spans across the boarder into Slovenia. The grapes are macerated on skins for 15 days in wooden vats and given that pinot girgio is a pink skinned white grape the resulting wine has a delightful pinky/onion tinged hue. This is Orange wine at its best and I can't rave highly enough the wines of Skerk and this glorious region in general. Definitely age worthy bit also drinking spectacularly right now.

Notes on the Producer

Boris and Sandi Skerk are undoubtedly two prominent members of the Friulian winemaking scene, thanks to their renowned winemaking techniques with a long maceration for white wines. This area of Carso, then, is mostly rocky and the lives struggling to find nourishment. And it is precisely this effort that makes the plant stronger and, in the right hands, it gives the wines a unique character. entire process is natural, not because it is the trendy thing to do, but because it does not make sense to Sandi to make wine any other way. When asked about the style of winemaking that seems to be the trend in the Carso DOC, ie. long skin contact for the whites, Sandi talks about the great respect he has for his grandfather, who also made wine on the family's property, and about wanting to follow his technique. Making wine before it was common to use SO2 as a preservative, Sandi's grandfather used the technique of extended skin contact for his white wines. The tannins in the skins protect the wines from oxidation, allowing Sandi to use very little SO2 in his winemaking.

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